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Individual Supporter Levels and Benefits


Why Donate to ACMF?

It's your support which enables us to meet our goal of bringing high quality live music experiences to audiences at affordable prices, including a selection of free events open to all. We are proud to offer these musical experiences through concerts, workshops, and seminars with engaging and accessible programming. Heading into our third year, we are energized by the positive feedback form our audiences and planning for the future as we add to the already vibrant cultural community in Jefferson County, WV and the surrounding region.

Interested in donating your time or services? Please reach out to us if you'd like to be a 2025 Festival Volunteer or Corporate Sponsor. Send us an email at

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities are available. 

Sponsor an ACMF Commissioned Composer

Sponsor a Concert

- Verbal recognition at the selected concert

- Name listed on the concert webpage and concert page in the festival program

- Attend an invited lunch with artists

- Attend an open rehearsal

- Donor Reception with festival artists

- 2 complimentary tickets to an ACMF festival concert

- Name listed in Festival Program

Artist's Circle   
$1,000 +

- Verbal recognition at concert(s) you choose to support

- Attend an open rehearsal

- Donor Reception with festival artists

- Name listed in Festival Program

Festival Supporter
$500 - $999

- Attend an open rehearsal

- Donor Reception with festival artists

- Name listed in Festival Program

$100 - 499

- Donor Reception with festival artists

- Name listed in Festival Program

Up to $99

- Name listed in Festival Program


Public Disclosure:  ACMF is incorporated in West Virginia. The nonprofit tax exempt filings and the annual returns are available upon request.  Disclosure required per Virginia nonprofit registration: a financial statement is also available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.

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